Tattoo Blowout : Everything you need to know about it


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Tattoos are widely accepted mode of self-expression and everyone desires to get a tattoo that can express their personality without saying a word. Sometimes, this quest to get a perfect tattoo can be a disaster. One such unexpected turn is called “tattoo blowout”.

In this blog post, we will demystify tattoo blow outs, their potential causes, its effects and methods to prevent them.

What is a tattoo blowout?

If you get a tattoo and in next few days you notice that ink has started to spread beyond the original tattoo and it seems smudged now, probably this is a tattoo blowout. In this case, tattoo lacks clarity and instead of projecting a perfect self-expression it seems more like a confused emotional spill out.

Why does it happen?

Improper needle depth

To make a tattoo, the artist injects the ink into the Dermis layer of the skin, if this ink is injected deep into the Fat layer it spreads in the fat planes and make the tattoo blurred.

Inexperienced tattoo artist

If the artist doesn’t has the expertise it is highly possible that tattoo will be a disaster.

Skin type and thickness

Thinner the skin, more chances of tattoo blowout there are. For example, top skin of the feet and inside areas of arms are more likely to get bad results. Women are more prone to it due to their thinner skin type.

Excessive movement

If you are moving during the procedure, there are greater chances that you will have to face the nightmare of tattoo blowout as the artist won’t have a good control over the instrument.

Is it really a blowout?

To establish that it is really a tattoo blowout you must know that is it really a problem or it is normal healing process. In healing, you will see redness or scabs over the tattoo area, while in blowout you are able to appreciate that something is going on beyond the superficial skin layers.

Another mishappening to differentiate is the bruising, in which area of the tattoo becomes purplish and it will go away in few days while a blow out won’t.

Health risks

Other than aesthetic appearance and psychological effects, tattoo blowouts are less likely to cause any health risk.

How to fix tattoo blowout?

Allow healing

Before jumping to the next steps, a generous time of at least 1-2 months should be given to heal the skin properly.


One way to get away with a tattoo blowout is getting another tattoo over it, you should choose an experienced artist this time and be ready to face the fact that results might not be the ones that you have expected.

Laser therapy

Laser tattoo removal is also a good option, advance lasers like picosecond lasers and the LightSense® laser, can target and break down the ink particles of a tattoo.

Topical Treatments

Novel treatments such as enzymatic tattoo removal or nanotechnology-based topical creams are appearing as choices to traditional laser techniques. The treatment options consist of employing certain enzymes or creams, particularly formulated to decompose the ink particles.

Ultrasonic wave therapy

Ultrasound waves provide a non-laser option for destroying tattoo ink particles. Soundwaves are utilized in this process to aim, then shatter the ink which the body disposes of later.

Surgical Treatment

When other strategies are useless, one can only resort to extreme measures as the last option which arguably becomes the most invasive since it will require cutting off the tattooed skin part.

Final thoughts

Before getting a tattoo one should research about the experienced artist, area of the body and proper post-tattoo care, other than that you cannot do much to prevent it. After getting a tattoo blowout, you can opt for various options to cover up, minimize or remove the bad tattoo. Seek professional help to find a better option for yourself which can give maximum benefit to you.

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